Bentonit ve Montmorillonit Nedir

Bentonit Nedir? ● Bentonit, içindeki mineral muhtevası ve kalitesi değişiklik göstermekle birlikte tabiatta doğal olarak varolan bir madde / madendir. ● En genel tanımıyla bentonitler, içinde % 50 den fazla Montmorillonit minerali bulunduran Smektit grubu killerdendir. Devamı »


Montmorillonitin Nükseden Ağız Ülserine Karşı Etkisi

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Yakın tarihte yapılan bir çalışmada, Nükseden Ağır Ülseri hastalarından oluşan iki denek grubundan birine, Montmorillonit, diğer gruba ise Montmorillonit ve Ranitidine ilacı birlikte verilerek gözlemler yapılmış,

Montmorillonitin verildiği grupta tedavi etki oranı % 65 civarında, Montmorillonit ve Ranitidine verilen grupta ise % 96 civarında olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.

Makalenin ingilizce metni aşağıda verilmiştir.

Efficacy Observation of Ranitidine Combined with Montmorillonite in the Treatment of Recurrent Oral Ulcer
GUO Xiu-rong(Dept.of Infectious Diseases,The Affiliated Hospital of Hebei United University,Hebei Tangshan 063000,China)WU Jiang(Dept.of Stomatology,No.255 Hospital of PLA,Hebei Tangshan 063010,China)
China Pharmacy 2012-12

To observe the therapeutic efficacy of ranitidine combined with montmorillonite in the treatment of recurrent oral ulcer (ROU). Methods: 138 ROU patients were randomly divided into control group (69 patients) and treatment group (69 patients).Control group was directly applied montmorillonite 5 g locally, 5 to 6 times per day; Treatment group was applied the mixture of montmorillonite 5 g with ranitidine 900 mg after removing capsule, 5 to 6 times per day locally, with oral administration of ranitidine 150 mg per day. The efficacy and ADRs of 2 groups were observed. Results: The duration of symptoms and the whole course of disease of the treatment group were obviously shorter than that of control group. The effective rate of treatment group was 95.7% and that of control group was 65.2%,There was statistical significance(P0.01).There was no ADR were found in 2 groups. Conclusıons: The combined treatment of ranitidine and montmorillonite for ROU can quickly relieve the symptoms, promote the ulcer's healing and reduce the relapse, therefore is effective and without ADR.

Montmorillonitin Nükseden Ağız Ülserine Karşı Etkisi
Bentonit Tedavisi Bentonit > Sayfa 92