Montmorillonitin Radyoaktif Etkenli Deri Yaralarındaki Koruyucu Etkisi
Yine Montmorillonit ile Radyasyon arasındaki etki ve ilişkinin incelendiği bir çalışmada, Montmorillonitin Ultraviyole Radyasyon sonucu oluşan deri yaralarındaki koruyucu etkilerini incelenmiş ve gözlemler neticesinde,
Montmorillonitin, Ultraviyole Radyasyon sonucu oluşan deri yaralarını korumada iyi bir madde olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Bu Makalenin İngilizce özeti aşağıdadır.
Estimation on protective effect of montmorillonite skin damage induced by UVR Li Feng-qun, Liu Xiao-dong, Li Wen-xing (Public Transportation Hospital of Changchun City, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China; College of Pubic Health Sciences, Jilin University , Changchun 130021, China Journal of Yunnan University (Natural Sciences, 2005-S1
Objective: To estimate on the protection effect of montmorillonite on skin damage induced by ultraviolet radiation. Methods: After the normal skin in guinea pig under the intervene of montmorillonite was irradiated with over – dose of ultraviolet rays (UVB and UVA), the samples in every group were matched and compared. Results: The skin tissue in the montmorillonite intervene group irradiated by ultraviolet rays did not change obviously as compared with that in the self-control group. But, the damage skin tissue in the control group irradiated by ultraviolet did change significantly as compared with that in the montmorillonite intervene group. Conclusion: Montmorillonite is a good material to protect the skin from damage effect by ultraviolet radiation.
Bentonit Tedavisi Bentonit > Sayfa 77