Bentonitin Atık Sularda Bulunan Ağır Metalleri Bağlayabilme Özelliği
Aşağıda İngilizce özeti verilen benzer bir çalışmada, Bentonitin Krom, Kurşun, Çinko, Kadmiyum ve Manganez gibi ağır metalleri absorbe etme özelliği incelenmiş ve gözlemler neticesinde,
Bentonitin, bütün bu ağır metalleri absorbe edebilme özelliği olduğu belirtilmiştir. Bu özelliğinin Kurşun diğer ağır metallere kıyasla daha az gösterdiği gözlemlenirken, Başta, Krom olmak üzere, Çinko ve Kadmiyumda daha fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Removal Of Heavy Metals From Waste Waters By Natural And Na-exchanged Bentonites
E. Álvarez-Ayuso and A. García-Sánchez
Department of Environmental Geochemistry, IRNASA, CSIC, Apto 257, Salamanca, Spain
Clays and Clay Minerals October 2003 v. 51 no. 5 p. 475-480
Abstract: Batch sorption studies of Cr(III), Ni(II), Zn(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) were conducted on Ca-bentonite and Na-bentonite to determine their retention capacities for these metal cations commonly present in the waste waters of galvanic industries. The Langmuir model was found to describe the sorption process well, offering maximum sorption capacities of 44.4 mg Cr/g, 6.32 mg Ni/g, 5.75 mg Zn/g, 7.72 mg Cu/g, 7.28 mg Cd/g on Ca-bentonite and 49.8 mg Cr/g, 24.2 mg Ni/g, 23.1 mg Zn/g, 30.0 mg Cu/g, 26.2 mg Cd/g on Na-bentonite. The use of Na-bentonite in the purification of waste waters from Ni, Cr and acid-Zn electroplating processes was an effective treatment in small-scale and in semi-industrial-scale tests. This proves the worth of this method as an alternative to existing methods. In contrast, Na-bentonite was not effective in Zn sorption from cyanide-containing waste waters.
Bentonit Tedavisi Bentonit > Sayfa 38