Bentonitin Radyoaktif Sezyum’u Bağlamadaki Üstün Kapasitesi
Yakın tarihte Türkiye’de yapılan bir çalışmada, Türkiye’de mevcut Bentonit, Zeolite, Sepiyolit ve Kaolin gibi bazı kil türlerinin Radyoaktif Sezyum’u bağlama özellikleri incelenmiş, yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda,
Bentonit’in Sezyum bağlama kapasitesinin diğer killerle kıyaslandığında en yüksek olarak tespit edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, zeolit ve Bentonitin Sezyum’u üstün bağlama özelliğinden dolayı engelleyici malzeme olarak tercih edilebileceği belirtilmiştir.
Çalışmanın İngilizce özeti aşağıda verilmiştir.
Investigation And Modeling Of Cesium1 Adsorption By Turkish:
Seval Bayülken, Elvan Başçetin, Kubilay Güçlü, Reşat Apak
Division of Radiactivity Measurement, Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre (CNAEM), Division of Materials, 34303, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,
İstanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 70–80, April 2011
Abstract: The cesium ion adsorption by Turkish clays, i.e., bentonite, zeolite, sepiolite, and kaolinite, was investigated as a function of Cs+concentration, pH, time, and temperature using the Cs-137 radiotracer method. The analysis of some major and minor components of clays was performed with ED-XRF. Bentonite was shown to exhibit the highest capacity and sorption affinity toward Cs. The best fits for adsorption isotherms were with Freundlich and D-R models. The second order rate constant of cesium sorption was highest for kaolinite among the clays. Cesium adsorption proceeded essentially by ion exchange and partly by specific adsorption mechanisms. The results showed that especially bentonite and zeolite can be used as effective barrier materials for sorptive hindrance of an expanding Cs radioisotope plume.
Bentonit Tedavisi Bentonit > Sayfa 125